Throughout my career I have been fortunate to have met and worked with so many wonderful people. As we all know people who have dealt with health issues from minor to major situations, often dealing with these things for so long either due to delayed diagnosis or that the issue simply takes time, proper diagnosis asap, research and hope to recover from, can be very stressful on top of everything else.
During some check ins with former clients or just by being in touch from time to time in general, I have seen quite a few either going through a health scare, some sort of debilitating physical, health or mental illness, or they had just recovered from one and I had no idea they were going through it. I want to use this area of my site to feature some of my previous clients that I consider wellness warriors who have gone through or are currently going something like what I mentioned in hopes of maybe helping them help others going through the same thing by sharing their stories and being people others can reach out to for advice along the way as delayed diagnosis or incorrect treatments can be costly on many levels.
In other instances, if we happen to feature someone who is currently going through something, maybe people who come across these features who have experience with the same issue, can reach out to them and help? Wishful thinking and help does not come without first speaking <3
I will feature people to this section from time to time in either an interview or article type format and if anything anyone finds here is helpful to them personally, aside from highlighting some strong people which is the other reason for this, it will for sure be worth it.