IFBB PRO Melanie Gardner ~ Cancer Survivor ~ Published Model + Writer ~ Business Owner

Melanie Tells us about going from winning her IFBB Pro Card to finding out some unexpected news and overcoming it

Jamie Watling Photography Wellness Warriors

This is Melanie Gardner, Retired IFBB PRO Figure Competitor, current Business Owner of Elite Spa Boutique and these are her experiences going from Figure/Bikini Competitor to IFBB PRO, to being diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer, dealing with it and the hurdles she faced while fighting for herself. Many people are sick and are not diagnosed in time for several reasons but one that is very unfortunate is that you are diligent in trying to get answers but you are getting the wrong information from the doctors you hope are on the ball with your care. We want to help others if possible and that is why Melanie is sharing with us today in case it helps you in some way. This is Melanie’s story.

Getting into Fitness…

I’ve always had a passion for the gym. I was looking for something to push myself and have something to answer to, to get the results that I wanted. I decided to get involved in the fitness competition scene. I began my competitive career just taking it show by show, climbing the ladder and each show I consistently qualified for the next level. When I started competing, you had to do a regional, provincial and national and place top five at national in order to compete at the Arnolds and I had placed first in my open class and second in my master class at nationals which qualified me for the Arnold. In 2013, I won at the Arnolds show.

Melanie Gardner
Melanie On stage Winning at the 2011 OPA Ottawa Classic.
Photo Credit: Muscle Insider. Image from Melanie’s social media.

I Won my Pro Card

in my third year of competing and have done 11 shows in total. Three pro shows, two in bikini and one in figure. The Arnolds was figure and all the rest were as a figure competitor.

” At 38 years old, six months after turning IFBB Pro by winning the Arnold International show, I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer. “

Time and Hurdles…

After a year of trying to get help, I had to travel to the United States and pay out-of-pocket because our healthcare system over here ( Canada ) kept telling me there’s nothing wrong with me after having surgery. The surgeon could not get all of the cancer so she sent all of my information to my best friend who was a nurse in Toronto, who then went straight to Princess Margaret Hospital, pulled up a chair, slapped it on their desk and said that she wasn’t leaving until I got an appointment. By the time I did get in and have an appointment, the cancer had spread to my lymph nodes with triple negative breast cancer. It’s very fast and aggressive so they had to move quick.

I had 25 lymph nodes removed, six rounds of chemo and 25 radiation appointments

photo courtesy of Melanie

Just Keep Fighting…

I don’t think I ever had a day that I was told that I beat it. You just hold your breath and cross your fingers to reach one year without it reoccurring to reach two years without it reoccurring to reach three years without it reoccurring. By the fifth year if it hasn’t reoccurred, they say that you are cured. I knew I needed to find something to keep me distracted and goals to focus on. My family and fitness were my major ones. Dedicating my time to the gym helped keep my mind right and my body working for me. At this time in my life, I had an eight-year-old son that was my strength and motivation to beating this. My prognosis was not good because of the time it took to get help. It is so sad how often these things get missed and people lose their lives or loved ones from things that could be treated and cured when caught early but were told everything was ok but was not.

Jamie Watling Photography Wellness Warriors

My Treatment I followed…

In addition to the 6 rounds of chemo and 25 radiation appointments, I used cannabis oil, cold-pressed organic cannabis oil, and Phoenix tears instead of taking steroids and anti-nausea. It helped me sleep, eat and repaired me cellularly.

Photo Courtesy of Melanie

I feel that being a professional athlete helped me stay focused on the overall treatments. At this time, I had just opened up my new location to Elite Spa Boutique and being a hair stylist, I could not take the time off work. I worked through most of my treatments and worked out. I did not want cancer taking away everything that I had worked so hard to achieve, my business and my pro status. Five years to the day, I stepped back on the pro stage as a bikini competitor at this time and not a figure competitor and did two back-to-back shows before I retired. I did not want cancer forcing me out of being an IFBB pro.

I chose when I was finished !!!

Working with Melanie Gardner

Melanie reached out to me mentioning she would like to train for a photoshoot with me and that it would be cool if something happened with the photos. She flat out said ” If you happen to get me published, I will puke ” LOL which she hoped I could perhaps help with. Get your bag ready lol. Here are some of her posts after the shoot.

During a conversation, she said she felt like her survivors story was likely the only way she could have a chance of being published, which I could tell was from feeling a little insecure based on some of our talks. My thoughts were immediately to not even try that approach, but to try to show her she was worthy enough of something in general like anyone else so I got to work and landed a very speedy turnaround ( about 3 weeks? lol ) for her which was not only her first ever publication but became her first ever written article, making her a published writer <3

Our 2 Page Training Feature in Natural Muscle Magazine that Melanie got to write!

Jamie Watling Photography
Jamie Watling Photography
Jamie Watling Photography

” Working with Melanie was almost as good of an experience as it was getting to know her. She was so excited and energized to shoot. Took direction wonderfully and as the day went on, her confidence began to beam through more and more. Surprising her with first ever publication only weeks later was very fun for me and I think she didn’t believe me at first. Was a sweet reaction and I am honored to have been able to help her with such a memorable goal.

We have been friends since working together and I know we will be checking in on each other 10 yrs from now. I can only imagine how strong one would need to be not only to get the sort of bad news she got, but then having to wait to get answers, fight to get answers, and then go through the long roads of treatment and recovery. Melanie was there for me as my dad fought and lost his own battle with cancer and it meant a lot to me that she would check in and offer advice. Thank you again my friend. ” – Jamie Watling

Thank you to Jamie Watling for everything! For always being in my corner. A great friend and photographer. I enjoyed working with you so much. I Highly recommend this man.

Also, I’d like to take a second to thank the nurse and doctor in the states for fighting for me, for helping me and being there. Without you I would not be here! Erika Joan for being the person who fought for me to get the right help in Canada. The list is long of family, friends and clients who stepped up and helped the journey. Tara Sadler my angel and a few others.

” Cancer has definitely changed my outlook on life and also my mindset. Life is short and life needs to be lived to the fullest, not wallow and dwell on self-pity or negative energy. Expect to feel weak often but find something to motivate you to push and focus on to stay active. Work hard, love hard, enjoy life as it is very precious and you never know when it could be taken from you. “

– Melanie Gardner

Melanie Gardner


@melanie.gardner.3344 @jamiewatling to our IG pages

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Check out her business website for the services she provides

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